1% Climate Donation Match
1% Climate Donation Match
Many aspects of the travel industry are currently impossible to decarbonise, in particular the international flights our guests take to get to our trips. As we cannot eliminate all sources of carbon emissions for our tours, we donate 1% of all trip costs to mitigate climate change.
Unfortunately 90% of offsetting projects have been shown to be ineffective and even 40% of UN carbon credits have been shown to be unviable. In order to ensure that our 1% donations resulted in the biggest positive impact possible, we sought advice from researchers at Giving Green.
Giving Green is a nonprofit research team of climate scientists, economists and impact evaluation experts. They spend thousands of hours each year assessing climate impact strategies and evaluating which organisations are the most cost-effective in terms of their impact.
Clean Air Task Forcehas been ranked as one of Giving Green’s top charities since 2020. We have therefore chosen the Clean Air Task Force as our charity for climate donations for 2024/2025.
It’s estimated that for every dollar donated to the Clean Air Task Force, 1 ton of carbon emissions are avoided. This is 25 times more cost effective than the majority of gold standard offsets offered by the UN.